Thursday, May 29, 2008

All Growns Up

Graduation Day...this idyllic photo belies the bitter cold blowing in at about 25 miles an hour. It was freakin cold and windy. It even snowed a few minutes after the graduation ceremony ended. Roots...missing my grandfather for sure.
Why must one wear these silly court jester hats when one receives a J.D.?

My bro Mike came down from Sterling for graduation. My grandmother really likes him for some reason. I guess cuz he's one of the few white people that could handle living with my Pakistani grandparents in college. I mean, he smelled like desi food ALL THE TIME. That's why they called him Stinky back at High Point University. Of course, I lived there too so what did they call me?

Pops. He's cool...most of the time.

The little one (who's a foot taller than me) with mom. Special thanks to Usman for picking up the tab at dinner the night before graduation.

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The Royal Arch and the Flatirons

Took these pictures the same day I hiked around Boulder Canyon. It was another beautiful day in Boulder.

Boulder Canyon

After 3 years of living in Boulder, I finally woke up and realized I had no pictures of this beautiful state. I spent 4 days researching cameras within my price range and found an affordable Canon A590 Powershot IS for $165. I took my graduation money and bought a camera. That same day, I went to Boulder Canyon and took these pictures.

Springtime in Boulder!

This rock looks like some character from Fraggle Rock or the Neverending Story.

Big Rock...little dude.

The Citadel (elevation 13,294)

John Justus and I hiked up to the Citadel (aka Snoopy) by Loveland Pass on Wednesday May 28, 2008. The hike to the peak was long (about 4.25 miles via snowshoe) and the final 900 feet or so were especially steep. The snow was soft from the sun but no too soft to make us nervous. The slope angle was about 45 degrees-making it really fun to drop into. There is still lots of snow so this hike will be fun for a few weeks longer.

Here's a clip of the last 2/3 of my run down South face of the slope.